
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Is it in your Genes? Stacy Hunt
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Dr. Stacy Hunt “Epigenetics of mental health disorders including eating disorders and addictions”. She answers just that on PHIT for a Queen podcast:
- Her personal journey lead her to career that she shares a passion and common bond with her clients.
- Work with genetics has shown significant correlation with heritability and risk for eating disorders, & substance abuse.
- Personality traits put us at risk but the environment pulls the trigger.
- Looking at the triggers we face: athletic pressure, body image in media, & increased pressure to eat healthy.
Where you can find Dr. Hunt:
Main Phone Number: (267) 755-9333
Newtown Therapy & Wellness Center
17 Barclay Street, Building A
Newtown, PA 18940
(Mailing address only is 444 S. State St. Newtown PA 18940 Building A)
Fax: (215) 550-6966
So you know she is legit:
Dr. Stacy Hunt, Clinical Psychologist, is Co-Director at Bucks Support Service as well a Newtown Therapy & Wellness Center. She holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Virginia. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from New York University and a Master’s in Clinical Psychology from the University of Virginia, as well as from California State University at Dominguez Hills.
Dr. Hunt is a member of the Psi Chi Honors Society in psychology, American Psychological Association (APA), Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA), and The Behavioral Genetics Association (BGA). She currently serves on the board for the Greater Philadelphia chapter of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals. Several of her academic research papers have been published in peer-reviewed professional journals on various developmental topics.
In addition to her work with patients suffering from mood and anxiety disorders, Dr. Hunt specializes in eating disorders, substance abuse, ADHD, Sport and Performance Psychology, as well as working with people in the LGBTQI community. She is trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), behavioral therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, solution-focused therapy, ego psychology, interpersonal therapy and relational therapy. Dr. Hunt believes in finding the style of therapy that will most powerfully affect change for each individual, while building on the client’s own strengths and resources.
Dr. Hunt did her Doctoral Internship at Ewing Residential Treatment Center and The Department of Children and Families (DYFS) in New Jersey. She did her Post-Doctoral Internship at both Penndel Mental Health Center and at T.L.C. Associates in Newtown, Pennsylvania. Dr. Hunt has also trained at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in the Adolescent HIV Initiative and in the Neuropsychology Department (Psycho-Educational Evaluations), at the Culpeper Juvenile Correctional Center (Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice) in the Behavioral Services Unit, and at the Mary D. Ainsworth Psychological Clinic at the University of Virginia.

Friday Jan 05, 2018
Intuitive Movement in the New Year with Dr. Beth Hartman McGilley
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it. Dr. Beth McGilley joins us in discussing this sometimes complicated relationship between exercise and our body image. Dr.McGilley shares her knowledge on eating disorders, exercise and the recovery process and the difference between mindless and mindful exercise.
- What is dysfunctional exercise? We need to look at the quality of the exercise continuum: what is the driven quality, is it ritualized and rigid, is it only done to management negative mood and weight.
- Mindful Exercise is a way we can reconnect to our body and find joy in movement vs. it being a punishment. Dr. Beth McGilley shares her exercise mantras to help in recovery and changing that relationship
So You Know She Is Legit...
Dr. Beth Hartman McGilley, is a Clinical Associate Professor, University of Kansas School of Medicine—Wichita, is a psychologist in private practice, specializing in the treatment of eating and related disorders, body image, athletes, trauma, and grief. Her practice is informed by feminist, Health at Every Size, and social justice perspectives. A Fellow of the Academy of Eating Disorders, and a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist, she has practiced for over 35 years, writing, lecturing, supervising, and directing an inpatient eating disorders program. She’s a former advisor to Monte Nido and Affiliates and is on the Renfrew Conference Committee. She has published in academic journals and the popular media, as well as contributing chapters to several books. She is a former editor for Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, and co-editor for the book: Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Research/Practice Gap. She has presented extensively nationally and internationally, as well as appeared on a variety of local and national news and radio outlets. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. McGilley has been a chair or member of 7 committees for the American Academy of Eating Disorders since its inception. She is the co-founder and Co-Chair of the AED Professionals and Recovery Special Interest Group. Other professional memberships include iaedp, NEDA, BEDA, Association for Size Diversity & Health and American Psychological Association.
Dr. McGilley also specializes in applications of sports psychology and performance enhancement techniques with athletes of all levels. She was the sports psychology consultant for the Wichita State University Women’s Basketball team from 2005-2008. She co-founded and co-chaired the Association for Applied Sports Psychology (AASP) Eating Disorders Special Interest Group from 2007-2012.
Dr. McGilley co-founded and for 12 years served as the President of the Healing Path Foundation, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders in Kansas. She was a 2008 graduate of the Kansas Health Foundation Leadership Fellows Training program. Her hobbies include competitive cycling, hiking, writing, and time with her therapy dog, Wheeler the Healer.
To Connect Further with Dr. Beth McGilley:
Link to the Compulsive Exercise Test:
Great Article with Further Information written by Dr. McGilley:
Intuitive Exercise
Beth Hartman McGilley, PhD, FAED, CEDS
Exercise as a way to liberate your life force ~ not to change your body. (Carmen Cool, 2014)
Ours is a culture equally obsessed with eating as with dieting, and exercise is extolled as the ultimate elixir for both. It is thus no surprise that exercise, once considered simply for its physical and psychological benefits, is now a multibillion dollar industry which promises to shape up the body of our lives as well. While the virtues of physical activity are indisputable, the tolls of dysfunctional exercise are equally noteworthy (Calogero & Pedrotty-Stump, 2010). Although this potentially deadly impact is most obvious in those who suffer with an eating disorder (ED), dysfunctional exercise is ubiquitous. Prevalence rates range from 33-80% depending on the definition of dysfunctional exercise used and the population studied (clinical vs. nonclinical samples). Within the ED population, dysfunctional exercise is associated with increased psychological distress and psychopathology, longer inpatient stays and higher rates of relapse (Naylor, Mountford & Brown, 2011).
The empirical findings on dysfunctional exercise are difficult to interpret due to discrepancies in terms and definitions used to describe it, variability in subject samples and settings, assessment measurements and length of follow up. At least ten different terms have been cited in the literature to describe exercise performed to the physical and/or psychological detriment of an individual (activity anorexia, exercise anorexia, anorexia athletica, obligatory exercise, compulsive exercise, exercise addiction, exercise dependence, exercise abuse, excessive exercise, dysfunctional exercise). Some terms imply psychopathology (compulsive exercise) while others do not (obligatory exercise). A consensus definition is vitally needed for effective prevention, identification of those at risk, and informed interventions for those already suffering from dysfunctional exercise (Meyer & Taranis, 2011).
In this article, dysfunctional exercise will be briefly described and the concepts of “intuitive exercise” (Hieber & Berrett, 2003) and “mindful exercise” (Calogero & Pedrotty-Stump, 2010) will be offered as new approaches to physical activity, both for those who compulsively exercise and for those who anxiously avoid it. Regardless of the term used to denote dysfunctional exercise, the various definitions used in the literature distinguish two related dimensions relevant to this discussion. The quantitative dimension refers to the physical aspects of the exercise activity—frequency, duration and intensity. The qualitative dimension refers to the psychological aspects of the exercise activity—the degree to which it is compulsive, driven, out of control, and/or ritualized. The frequently used term, “excessive exercise,” commonly refers to the quantitative dimension, whereas “compulsive exercise” is typically used in reference to the qualitative aspects. Research consistently indicates it is the compulsive quality of the exercise that is significantly associated with disordered eating pathology, not the frequency or duration of the exercise itself. This unexpected finding has important implications for the potentially positive role of exercise in the treatment and recovery process for those with EDs (Calogero & Pedrotty-Stump, 2010; Hausenblas, Cook & Chittester, N. 2007; Taranis, Touyz, La Puma & Meyer, 2011).
What are the specific components of compulsive exercise? Four key correlates have been identified and evaluated in the literature which appear to have empirical support (Goodwin, Haycraft, Willis & Meyer, 2011). The first is the driven quality of the exercise activity (e.g. exercising regardless of injury, weather, time demands). Secondly, the activity is undertaken in a ritualized, rigid fashion (e.g. exercising at the same time, in the same way, resistant to change). Thirdly, the exercise is performed predominantly to manage weight and shape concerns (e.g. exercise fanatically performed to offset food intake, to maintain leanness or solely for body sculpting purposes). Lastly, the exercise is undertaken to manage negative emotional states (e.g. exercising for the mood elevating effects or to avoid feeling guilty if it’s postponed or stopped).
It is the combination of these four elements, at the extreme, that comprise the clinically significant concept of compulsive exercise and which is associated with increased eating psychopathology. Health promoting exercise is also often performed in a routine manner, despite inconveniences, to support one’s health and to benefit from the mood enhancing effects. It is perhaps most instructive to think of healthy vs. compulsive exercise along a continuum, wherein the compulsive end is noted for the extreme guilt one feels if unable to exercise, and by the persistent, repetitive, and excessive nature of the behavior, even when contraindicated and in the absence of pleasure or reward. Readers interested in assessing the quality of their own or their client’s exercise activity can access the Compulsive Exercise Test (Taranis, Touyz & Meyer, 2011) online at Compulsive Exercise Test
Whether, when and how an actively recovering eating disorder client begins or resumes exercising remains a matter of professional debate, but there is mounting scientific evidence that when judiciously considered, in medically stable clients, exercise can actually facilitate the weight restoration process in anorexics, as well as proffer improvements in mood, body image and self esteem for all ED clients (Calogero & Pedrotty-Stump, 2010; Hausenblas et al, 2007; Taranis et al., 2011). Hieber & Berrett (2003) introduced the concept of “intuitive exercise” in an online newsletter rich with information on the physical, emotional, psychological, and behavioral signs of overtraining, descriptions of the qualities of healthy exercise and tips for becoming an intuitive exerciser. Guidelines suggested for becoming an intuitive exerciser are reprinted below:
Ø Spend some quiet and quality time listening to your mind, heart, and body.
Ø Respond to that self-understanding and approach exercise accordingly.
Ø Respect your inner needs and consequent internal messages.
Ø Respect and respond to your body, especially those messages of pain and fatigue.
Ø Examine your motives for exercise.
Ø Adjust your exercise as needed and develop the healthiest motives.
Ø Reserve and make sacred the time you need to take care of yourself.
Ø Find exercise and physical activities which are enjoyable.
Ø Remove concepts of fat, calories, and size from your exercise thoughts and language.
Ø Feed your body what it needs to assure nourishment and adequate fuel to burn.
Hiebert & Berrett, 2003, p. 10
Calogero & Pedrotty-Stump (2010) use the term “negative exercise mindset” to refer to the qualitative or compulsive dimension of dysfunctional exercise. They further distinguish between mindful and mindless exercise as a tool for therapists and clients to develop a recovery supportive approach to exercise. As with intuitive exercise, mindful exercise is process vs. outcome oriented, geared to be internally and present focused, balanced with and supported by proper nutrition and rest, enjoyable and exhilarating.
Calogero & Pedrotty-Stump, 2010, p. 435
Lastly, the following are a few simple exercise mantras I’ve coined that may assist clinicians and clients looking for specific ideas on how to begin a new relationship with physical activity:
Ø Take it outside! When we were young, we didn’t “work out” we played! Outside, in nature, where the wind in our hair, the sun in our eyes, the sounds of our playmates, and the smell of fresh cut grass enlivened our experience. Nature based vs. gym based exercise can help recovering clients to avoid the inclination to negatively compare or compete with others, and to get overly focused on the computer feedback on the equipment vs. their body’s internal feedback of the experience. Learn to assess and adjust the intensity of exercise by paying attention to your breathing (you should be able to carry on a conversation), and allow internal monitors and awareness to direct the effort and duration
Ø Just “un-do” it! Reorient your activity to best suit your recovery needs at the current time (e.g. exercising solo/group, in/outdoors, headset/quiet, internal/external focus). If a specific compulsive exercise is part of your eating disorder, choose different activities to explore until you feel capable of resuming that activity with a positive exercise mindset. For example, if you compulsively attend fitness classes, at the same time, always occupying the same place in class, begin a walking program instead, and vary the times, location and whether you walk alone or with company.
Ø Play it forward! Be purposeful, seek community and consider the social benefits beyond your own physical benefits. Sign up for a charitable run or bike ride, become a mentor in a youth based prevention program that includes physical activity (e.g. Girls on the Run), plan a hiking vacation with friends and train together, or join your local chapter of the Adventurous Babes Society!
Ø Flexible Flexing! Whatever you do, avoid rigid or ritualistic routines-get jiggy with it!
Ø Move as you’re moved! Think back to childhood. What kinds of movement gave you the greatest sense of joy, sourced all your senses, transcended awareness of time and calories burned? Find ways as an adult to recreate this kind of movement.
When appropriately timed and considered, intuitive and mindfully considered exercise can become a vital element in and beyond the recovery process. To become fully recovered from an eating disorder requires that we reestablish a relationship with our bodies that is life affirming, nutritionally balanced and fully integrated-meaning our mental, physical, psychological and spiritual states are operating in a unified, open, flexible and adaptive manner. When we are thus wholly embodied, exercise is no longer about calories burned, but about “liberating our life-force.”
Calogero, R. & Pedrotty-Stump, K. (2010). Incorporating exercise into eating disorder treatment and recovery. In Maine, McGilley & Bunnell (eds), Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Research-Practice Gap, pp. 425-441. Elsevier: NY.
Cool, C. (2014). Personal communication.
Goodwin, H., Haycraft, E., Willis, A. & Meyer, C. (2011). Compulsive exercise: The role of personality, psychological morbidity and disordered eating. IJED, 44(7), 655-660.
Hausenblas, H., Cook, B. & Chittester, N. (2007). Can exercise treat eating disorders? Exer and Sport Sci reviews, 36, 1, 43-47.
Hieber, N. & Berrett, M. (2003). Intuitive Exercise. Center for Change: Hope & Healing E-Newsletter, 8(3), pp. 7-10.
Meyer, C. & Taranis, L. (2011). Exercise in the eating disorders: Terms and definitions. European Eating Disorders Review, 19, 169-173.
Naylor, H., Mountford, V. & Brown, G. (2011). Beliefs about excessive exercise in eating disorders: The role of obsessions and compulsions. European Eating Disorders Review, 19, 226-236.
Taranis, L., Touyz, S., La Puma, M. & Meyer, C. (2011). Loughborough Eating-disorders Activity Programme (LEAP). Group cognitive-behavioural treatment for compulsive exercise in the eating disorders: Therapist Manual.
Taranis, L., Touyz, S. & Meyer, C. (2011). Disordered eating and exercise: Development and preliminary validation of the Compulsive Exercise Test, 19, 256-268.
Suggested Reading:
Cook, B., Hausenblas, H. & Freimuth, M. (2014). Exercise Addiction & Compulsive Exercising: Relationship to Eating Disorders, Substance Use Disorders & Addictive Disorders. In Brewerton, T. & Dennis, A.B. (eds), Eating Disorders, Addictions and Substance Use Disorders: Research, Clinical & Treatment Perspectives. Springer: NY.
Friedman, P. (2009). Diary of an Exercise Addict. GPP Life: CT.
Powers, P. & Thompson, R. (2008). The Exercise Balance: What’s Too Much, What’s Too Little, and What’s Just Right for You! Gurze Books: CA.
Thomas, J. & Schaefer, J. (2013). Moving (or Not): What’s Best for You? In Almost Anorexic: Is My (or My Loved One’s) Relationship with Food a Problem? (The Almost Effect), pp. 179-203. Hazelden: MN.
Thompson, R. & Sherman, R. (2010). Eating Disorders in Sport. Taylor & Francis Group: NY.

Friday Dec 01, 2017
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Motherhood is definitely an action sport! Courtney, Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist shares about her postpartum experience of injury and postpartum depression and how it led her to create the Momma Strong Program. Momma Strong’s purpose is to redefine the scope of prenatal and postpartum health through specialized intelligent fitness. Courtney openly discusses motherhood, self care and how showing up is good enough.
- Our Pelvic Floor is super important to us as women. Your body cannot perform if the pelvic floor is not integrated. That is the root of all of your movement especially as a woman.
- Our brain and body our ever connected and when we are struggling injury or pain postpartum than can affect our mood. Listen to the pain and be your own detective about your body.
- Momma Strong is committed to the business of enoughism, which is the belief that you don’t need fixing, but that you deserve integration.
- You don’t have time for anything extra and Momma Strong gets motherhood and gets that. Become stronger more effectively and efficiently with Momma Strong.
So You Know She Is Legit...
Courtney’s exposure to biomechanics and rehabilitative exercise started in her early childhood, as an elite level gymnast, kayaker, and ballet dancer. At age 16, she left home to pursue her professional career with The Houston Ballet, where she remained for 5 years until a severe ankle injury forced her to retire. After retirement, she transitioned immediately into a two-year course of study in rehabilitative exercise and Pilates, under the supervision of nationally renowned Pilates instructors Bryan Peters and James Harren, who had trained with the original colleague of Joseph Pilates himself. She then earned her certification through the Pilates Method Alliance and became a top-rated trainer for the following 6 years. Following the birth of her first child, however, she began to suffer from injuries related to pregnancy and childbirth, none of which her prior core training was able to resolve. This realization led her to study with Thomas Myers, Yamuna Zake, Esther Gokhale, and Stuart McGill, all prominent leaders in the field of spine health and pelvic stabilization. From there, Courtney became certified as a personal trainer through National Academy of Sports Medicine and soon after was granted their advanced certification as a Corrective Exercise Specialist. She also carries a Prenatal and Postpartum specialization from NASM and multiple certifications in pelvic rehabilitation, injury prevention, and activated release therapy. Her unique method as taught in MommaStrong is the product of this comprehensive background, helping mothers all over the world finely tone their body’s through clinically approved, and feasible workouts that instigate an adventurous life through strength that matters.
Additionally, Courtney has a BA from Lesley College in Social Change and the Arts and is currently embarking on a designation as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
To Learn More and Connect with Momma Strong:

Friday Nov 24, 2017
Friday Nov 24, 2017
This is Part 1 of a 2 part interview with the lovely Nicole DeBrie, physical therapist to women. Today she speaks about the importance of the pelvic floor in women’s health and being active as well as what happens to our body when we carry and deliver a baby. Kara shares her story of the difficulty of ‘bouncing back’ after having a baby and returning to the running trails.
- The pelvic floor is one important group of muscles for us women.
Nicole describes what these muscles
are and do.
- Common issues that can occur with pregnancy that PT can help with: diastasis recti, pelvic girdle pain, urinary incontinence, bowel dysfunction, prolapse and swelling.
- After your six week appointment with the MD and you are clear to go, but you feel differently. Some pain is not normal and we need to give ourselves time and patience to heal.
So You Know She Is Legit...
Nicole DeBrie is a pelvic floor physical therapist in Kansas City, MO. She specializes in treating both males and females with pelvic pain, back pain, SI joint pain, urinary or fecal incontinence, bowel dysfunction, prolapse, pain with intercourse and pregnancy-related pain or issues.
Nicole studied at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology in 2012. She then completed her doctorate of physical therapy at Rockhurst University in 2016. Nicole was drawn to pelvic floor physical therapy immediately upon being exposed to this population during PT school. She completed a full-time internship at Foundational Concepts (a clinic specializing in the treatment of pelvic floor disorders), receiving extensive training in pelvic floor physical therapy, before accepting a position there as a full-time physical therapist in 2016. She has continued to further her knowledge in pelvic floor PT through continuing education courses with the Herman and Wallace institute. Nicole is working towards obtaining her Women’s Health Certified Specialist (WCS) certification through the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
Nicole has a special interest in treating women with pre- and postnatal muskuloskeletal conditions. She strives to help women during and after pregnancy maintain or return to their desired level of function or exercise. As an avid endurance runner and two-time Boston Marathon qualifier herself, Nicole feels she can relate with this active population. Nicole believes there is no “cook-book recipe” on the right way to recover from or navigate through pregnancy. She is devoted to working with patients individually to meet their unique needs and goals.
When not at work, Nicole enjoys running, hiking, traveling, brunching and doing all-things outdoorsy!
How to Connect with Nicole:
Nicole is at Foundational Concepts, a specialty physical therapy group that specializes in the pelvic floor. Check out their website and blog for further information about pelvic floor and women’s health issues.

Friday Nov 17, 2017
261- The fearless woman in the face of adversity
Friday Nov 17, 2017
Friday Nov 17, 2017
Kathrine’s Switzer’s Interview
Title: 261- The fearless woman in the face of adversity
Interview Description: Kathrine’s Switzer is an icon figure in women’s sports. Known for her entry into the Boston Marathon 1967 being the first woman to complete. In that race, the 1967 Boston Marathon, she was physically attacked by the race co-director for officially registering and running in what was then considered a men’s only race spurring her life long career of activism for females in sports.
Show Notes:
- Ran the Boston Marathon for her 50 year anniversary from her 1967 debut
- “Running breaks down universal communication barriers”
- “So many women are afraid to step out of their fearbox. Running allows us to take the first step”
- Feels the shift in focus on health has helped women last longer in their running career
- Running helps with mental health and busts the stress
- 261- fearless in the face of adversity
Where you can find out more information on Kathrine Switzer
- Kathrine’s website- http://kathrineswitzer.com/
- Be sure to check out her book Marathon Woman- http://kathrineswitzer.com/store/
- Become a 261 Fearless member- http://www.261fearless.org/about-261/
- Hear Kathrine talk about her journey breaking the stereotypes of women runners-https://www.makers.com/kathrine-switzer
So you know she is legit:
Author. Activist. Athlete.
President, Marathon Woman and AtAlanta Sports
Promotions, Inc.
Career Highlights:
- Inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in October 2011 for creating positive global social change
- Winner, 1974 NYC Marathon
- Broke Gender Barrier at 1967 Boston Marathon
- Emmy Award-winning TV commentator
- Author, MARATHON WOMAN (DaCapo Press), Running and Walking for Women Over 40, the Road to Sanity and Vanity (St. Martin’s Press), co-author 2 Marathon Stories (Rodale Press)
- Founder, Avon Running Global Women’s Circuit
- Winner of Abebe Bikila Award for Global Contribution to Sport of Running from New York Road Runners
- First class of inductees into the National Distance Running Hall of Fame
- Named one of the Visionaries of the Century (2000) and a Hero of Running (2012), and Runner of the Decade (1966-76) by Runners World Magazine
The Boston Marathon
Her work began accidentally 45 years ago when she was the first woman to officially enter the Boston Marathon when it was considered a men’s only race. She campaigned to make women official in the Boston Marathon in 1972 and later that year was one of the creators of the first women’s road race.
Switzer went on to run 39 marathons, and won the New York City Marathon in 1974. She ran her personal best in 1975, finishing second in Boston (2:51:33). She then put her substantial energies into creating the Avon International Running Circuit of women’s only races in 27 countries with over a million participating from 1978 to the present time. It was this series of events, which showed global participation and performances that largely convinced the IOC to include a women’s marathon in the 1984 Olympic Games.
TV Commentator/ Keynote Speaker
Switzer is now an Emmy award-winning TV commentator and has covered the Olympic Games, World and National Championships as well as the New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and every televised edition of the Boston Marathon (36 consecutive years!).She has appeared on Oprah, Nightline, CBS Evening News, Tonight, Today, Good Morning America, the BBC, CBC, PBS, and many other electronic and print outlets.
Marathon Woman, Switzer’s award-winning memoir, was first published in 2007. Her other books include 26.2 Marathon Stories, co-authored with her husband, Roger Robinson and best-selling Running and Walking for Women Over 40.
Still Running
Just completing the New York Marathon at age 70!

Friday Nov 10, 2017
Competing in a Man’s World with MMA Fighter - Florina Moeller
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Florina Moeller
Florina Moeller has quite a story, moving to the United States from Romania, to teaching herself software code, building a successful business and then becoming involved in the Mixed Martial Arts world. She knows what it is like to grow up in hard times and she shares with us how it has shaped her into the successful woman she is today!
Florina tackles these topics in our interview today:
- How coming from difficult times can shape our outlook on world and how we can use that to our benefit.
- Being a female in the world of MMA Fighting
- How fighting has empowered Florina as a female in this world
- Her take on mental health, the importance of getting help and talking about issues
Where you can find out more information on Florina Meatu-Moeller
Florina’s New Book: Heal Your Life and Find Your Balance: 7 Easy Steps to Mental and Emotional Health on Amazon.com
Florina’s Upcoming Fight on November 18th: http://shamrockfightingchampionships.com/shamrock298
So you know she is legit:
Florina Moeller was born in Transylvania, Romania on Friday April 13th, 1984. She grew up in Bucharest and attended Vasile Alecsandri Elementary School and Saint Sava National College High School. She witnessed the Romanian Revolution in 1989 and experienced the economic instability that soon followed. Due to the aforementioned economic downturn, she was only able to attend high school until the age of 16. At the age of 20, Florina moved to the United States where she currently lives. She is a self-taught senior software developer and amateur Mixed Martial Arts fighter. Additionally, Florina has had a life-long passion for writing. She published her first book titled, "HEAL your LIFE and find your BALANCE: 7 Easy Steps to Mental and Emotional Health" this past year . The book is based on her personal journey and life experiences and is available to purchase on Amazon. In her spare time, Florina loves to read, salsa dance, run, lift weights and be very active in general.

Friday Nov 03, 2017
How does shame impact our relationship with exercise? with Jennifer Lombardi
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Jennifer Lombardi, MFT, CEDS and Certified Daring Way Candidate, shares her personal journey from recovery from an eating disorder and exercise compulsion to a successful therapeutic practice in helping others. Jennifer today speaks on compulsive exercise, what it is, what a healthy relationship can look like and most importantly, the impact that shame has on our identities and the exercise relationship.
Jennifer tackles these topics in our interview today:
- What is compulsive exercise and how does our culture complicates this diagnosis?
- Healthy exercise includes: a variety of types of activity- we want it to be diverse, a willingness to balance types of activities, having fun, and resting the body
- The impact of the unwanted and idealized identities that we carry with us that is rooted in shame.
- Is the difference between perfectionism and the pursuit of excellence?
- Where are your values showing up in exercise?
- Jennifer’s Exercise Motto: If there is no joy than it’s a no go!
Where you can find out more information on Jennifer Lombardi:
To find out more of the work of Brene Brown:
And the Daring Way Training
Wondering if your relationship is healthy? Take the Obligatory Exercise Questionnaire ( a score of 50 or above could indicate your relationship with exercise is unhealthy)
So you know she is legit:
Jennifer Lombardi is a marriage and family therapist and certified eating disorder specialist as well as a certified daring way facilitator trained by Dr. Brene Brown herself. Jen has provided eating disorder education and treatment services to the greater Sacremento area for almost 15 years. As someone in recovery herself she understands the need for effective treatment in a healing environment. She has extensive training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. She is a nationally sought out speaker and media expert on the topic of eating disorders, ACT, body image and exercise compulsion. To find out more about Jen’s work and practice you can go to www.empathicwaycom

Friday Oct 27, 2017
When your body needs a break - Tina Muir
Friday Oct 27, 2017
Friday Oct 27, 2017
Tina Muir
Be Brave. Be Strong. Be You!
- It is not what you look like, or what you do - It is who you are that matters!
- Running is just fun and I love it all the time- “No you are lying”
- Treat yourself as you would treat your sister or best friend
- Amenorrhea- wanted to blast that this is an issue in running
- Tina shares how she built her 5-Star baby hotel
- Being a Mom make you feel like a temple
Fun Facts about Tina:
- Professional runner/Great Britain Olympic hopeful
- After the conclusion of our podcast Tina shared that she is expecting a darling little girl!
- She has a podcast Running for Real that features people from all over the running, health, and wellness.
- PHIT for a Queen loves her #nowatchme movement encouraging runners to use their body as a guide for training.
Where you can find Tina:

Friday Oct 20, 2017
No Period Now What?
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Dr. Nicola Rinaldi
No Period Now What?
Nicola has a PhD in computational biology Image courtesy MIT. After graduating she worked for a biotechnology company while pursuing her dreams of a family, which were thwarted by a diagnosis of hypothalamic amenorrhea (no period). Eighteen months of trying to conceive followed. She spent hours on research, using the knowledge gained to work on recovery.
Concurrently, she tried the medical route to pregnancy, with multiple doctor visits, injections, and ultrasounds resulting only in failure. Ultimately, she was able to achieve a natural pregnancy. Since that time, Nicola has shared her knowledge of the path to recovery, helping hundreds of others achieve their dreams of womanhood and pregnancy. She has spent the last three years as a stay-at-home mom, with her three boys, Antony, Timmy, and Cameron, while writing this comprehensive guide to recovery.
Dr. Nicola Rinaldi “No Period Now What?” She answers just that on PHIT for a Queen podcast:
- Function Hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA) resulted in infertility
- My body doesn’t care how I look!
- NPNW generated from participation on a support board for FHA
- Median time to recovery is 6 months regardless of longevity of FHA
5 factors that contribute to FHA:
- Eating- hormones release telling the body how much we have eaten or what we have eaten.
- Weight & weight loss- 82% of respondents had lost more than 10# at some point in their journey.
- Regardless of weight the body views weight loss as a stressor
- Exercise- burns energy and releases hormones that are part of stress response
- High intensity has more impact on stressor hormones
- Psychological stress “anxiety”- clean eating & tracking your food can be a form of stress.
- Genetics- what is the best way for “us”
Where you can find Dr. Rinaldi:
Buy the book: http://www.noperiodnowwhat.com/book/products
So you know she is legit:
Nicola Rinaldi. Nicola has a PhD in computational biology from MIT. After graduating she worked for a biotechnology company while pursuing her dreams of a family, which were thwarted by a diagnosis of hypothalamic amenorrhea (no periods). Eighteen months of trying to conceive followed.

Friday Oct 13, 2017
Food Peace for the Female Athlete
Friday Oct 13, 2017
Friday Oct 13, 2017
Julie Duffy Dillion RD
Birdhouse Nutrition Therapy
- Food, Peace- Not all dietitians are diet pushers
- You are the expert of your body!
- What does better mean?
- Weight change is just a symptom
- Sometimes to perform our best we have to have boundaries
Where you can find Julie:
- juliedillonrd.com
- https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/julie-dillon/the-love-food-podcast
- A Step-By-Step Guide to Food Peace with PCOS
So you know she is legit:
Julie Duffy Dillon is a Registered Dietitian, Eating Disorder and PCOS Specialist, and Food Behavior Expert partnering with people on their Food Peace journey. She is trained as a mental health counselor and supervises dietitians and other health professionals to use weight inclusive and attuned eating strategies. She owns central North Carolina's group nutrition private practice and premier source of eating disorder treatment and prevention, BirdHouse Nutrition Therapy. Julie also produces and hosts the weekly podcast, Love Food. She is launching a brand new e-course for those of you with PCOS called: A Step-By-Step Guide to Food Peace with PCOS. Learn more at and PCOSandFoodPeace.com