
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
As the son of renowned Major League Baseball pitcher Tommy John who played in the Major Leagues for 26 seasons and was the first person to come back in 1974 from the revolutionary surgery named the Tommy John Surgery, it is not surprising that Dr. Tommy developed a passion for proper healing and physical function as he witnessed firsthand the outcomes of injury, innovation, and principled healing. Dr. John shares with us the problems he is seeing, and research is showing when youth specialize too early in sport, and ways we can prevent and protect our young athletes!
- Tommy John played professional baseball but he didn’t begin specializing in that sport until the age of 17. His parents, even though his dad was a professional baseball player encouraged playing many different sports growing up, or just playing in general. As children, we are not SUPPOSED to be good at a particular sport. We need to try a variety of things and have fun with it.
- Tommy is adamant that children shouldn't specialize too early in one sport. He defines specialization as COMPETING in one sport more than 8 months at of the year and because of research specialization in a sport is the single greatest risk factor of youth injury.
- Research is also saying that a multi-sport background whether organized or not, we get better grades in school, we choose better foods for breakfast, we get better sleep, better self-efficacy, less depression. We are now prepared to be healthier and happier adults.
- Consequences that we are seeing in our youth due to too early of specialization: burnout, not fun anymore which leads to increase in injuries such as concussions, Tommy John surgeries, meniscus, stress factors, and spine. Injuries that we should be seeing later on in life. Kids are being medicated for mental health conditions because of anxiety and depression because they are not able to perform in their sport for their age!! The pressure is so huge.
- What can we do to prevent some of these injuries from occurring:
- Rethink- what we are doing is not ideal
- Food first- nourishment
- Childhood and Freeplay is training
- Explore other sports- Even if you Suck!
- Recovery- SLEEP is key
So You Know He’s Legit:
With Master Degrees in Health and Exercise Science from Furman University, Dr. Tommy John brings over 17 years of health experience to the table. At the completion of his studies, Dr. Tommy played professional baseball for three years with teams such as the Schaumburg Flyers, Tyler Roughnecks and the LA Dodgers. After his career was abruptly ended from a rare infection in his throwing shoulder, Dr. Tommy developed his own baseball performance company providing over 11,000 baseball training sessions for baseball enthusiasts from ages six to thirty. Additionally, he expanded his practice of personal training, sports performance training, and rehabilitation of all types of soft tissue injuries.
Dr. Tommy was drawn to chiropractic because he realized there was a higher element missing from the healing, performance process and proper function of the human body in the innate intelligence and the nervous system: brain, brainstem, and spinal cord. That paramount observation led him to obtain his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Life University, (a 4-year program), in Marietta, Georgia, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude.
As the son of renowned Major League Baseball pitcher Tommy John who played in the Major Leagues for 26 seasons and was the first person to come back in 1974 from the revolutionary surgery named the Tommy John Surgery, it is not surprising that Dr. Tommy developed a passion for proper healing and physical function as he witnessed firsthand the outcomes of injury, innovation, and principled healing.
Dr. Tommy John also has a book just released in June 2018(Da Capo) called Minimize Injury, Maximize Performance: A Sports Parent’s Survival Guide, which is a unique program: a diet, lifestyle, and movement plan (Rethink. Rebuild. Replenish. Recover) for injury and performance-proofing young athletes in every sport.
How to Connect with Dr. Tommy John and to Get His Book:
Dr. Tommy John Performance and Healing Center
Twitter: @DrTommyJohnDC
Facebook: @Tommy.John.ARP.Training.Wellness

Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Allie Kieffer shares how “ I don’t run fast because I am lighter. I ran fast because I am stronger” on PHIT for a Queen.
- Running was her way to escape her environment
- From a young age had others label her as “different” when it comes to the typical running body.
- How strong can I be to get through this marathon
- Lean on your strength
- If I don’t properly eat I can’t then recover to keep up my running.
- If my life was just about running it wouldn’t be very worthwhile.
- Hey, I am going to prove you wrong that I don’t need to change my body to perform my best.
- Have fun and be exposed to more than just one sport
- Focus on a growth mindset that focuses on did you try hard, did you have found and look more at the process.
- Congratulations to Allie on her “practice” half that she ended up winning at The Rock and Roll half marathon.
Where you can follow Allie:
IG- @kiefferallie

Friday Jan 18, 2019
The BLUEPRINT for Success of the Student Athlete with Seneca Blue
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
The BLUEPRINT for Success of the Student-Athlete with Seneca Blue
Student-athletes come into the world of higher level sports with the expectation that they know how to handle these stressors and transitions. They are not prepared and we are beginning to see the impact on the student-athletes overall health. BLUEPRINT is a resource for all student-athletes to being learning life skills and coping strategies to help them with these major life transitions.
- Seneca discusses the challenges of student-athletes; they have the stressors of being a young person in general and the extra stressors of being student-athletes. Many do not have the resources to cope with the stressors of this transition which is leading to mental health struggles, substance abuse, disordered eating and body image struggles. BLUEPRINT is that resource for students.
- What is BLUEPRINT? BLUEPRINT is a global holistic development and wellness platform that will empower every student to create their own future.
- Beginning with a focus on Student-Athletes, BLUEPRINT will revolutionize how students voices are heard and how their stories are told so they can discover how to live the best possible version of themselves.
- They will shape a generation of students into healthy, informed and conscious leaders focused on improving themselves, their communities and the larger world around them. Their impact will be their legacy.
- BLUEPRINT is focusing much of their work with the middle school population, to give them the skills needed so when they do make that transition to high school and college so they are more prepared. BLUEPRINT follows athletes throughout their career, ages 13-23.
- GameChangers: BLUEPRINT currently has 118 GameChangers & 6 Advisors total. Athletes and specialists are part of this to change the narrative and culture of the student-athlete.
More about Seneca:
Seneca has dedicated his life to serving the ever-changing needs of student-athletes. Whether it be as a mentor, coach, pro basketball skill development trainer or his current role as BLUEPRINT’s Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer. Seneca has always relentlessly pursued impactful ways to add value to the lives of student-athletes.
BLUEPRINT exists to provide a safe & inspiring destination for student-athletes that offers unique wellness & development resources for every stage of their journey. There are hundreds of millions of students across the globe craving community, guidance, mentoring, resources & inspiration on how to live a well-rounded life. Today’s digital landscape is absent of such resources for our kids & young adults. A select few social platforms dominate every aspect of their lives. BLUEPRINT will revolutionize how their voices are heard, how stories are told and how to live the best possible version of themselves.
Connecting to Seneca:
Twitter: @SenecaBlue
Follow BLUEPRINT on:
Facebook: @weareblueprint
Instagram: @weareblueprint
Medium @weareblueprint
Twitter: @WeRBlueprint

Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
- By day I am a doctor, by night I am getting my hands-on any outdoor adventure.
- Saw a gap in the care of the health of the female athlete.
- Found she was able to blend her experience with medical complication secondary to disorder and issues seen within athletic population specifically female athlete.
- Trying to change the culture of amenorrhea being a natural consequence. The loss of a menstrual cycle is a RED flag! For every year without a menstrual cycle, you can lose 2% bone density
- Debunks why birth control is not beneficial at protecting or rebuilding bone.
- Is this an athlete with a good strong heart or an athlete under fueling causing a “starved” heart?
- Feels there has been a great effort to get the word out on RED-S
- Under fueling in sport doesn’t just happen in females.
- Only 37% of physicians in a survey could identify the components of the female athlete triad.
- In any medical system many times you have to advocate for yourself.
Where you can find Dr. Rosen:
So you know she is legit:
Dr. Rosen is a board certified in internal medicine and eating disorders expert physician at the Gaudiani Clinic. Dr. Rosen is the former assistant medical director of the ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders at Denver Health and has trained and worked with Dr. Gaudiani for over five years. She is excited to expand her care to outpatient medicine and get to know her patients over a longer course of time.
Dr. Rosen graduated summa cum laude from Wake Forest University and attended medical school at the University of Florida where she was a member of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. She moved to Colorado to complete her internal medicine internship and residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine where she has been an assistant professor for the past six years. While at ACUTE, Dr. Rosen was honored with numerous awards in recognition of her compassionate medical care, collaboration, and mentorship. Additionally, she contributed to multiple peer-reviewed publications, blogs, and presentations.
Dr. Rosen is recognized as a certified eating disorders specialist (CEDS) by the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals (iaedp) and joins Dr. Gaudiani as one of a very small number of internal medicine physicians with this distinction. Dr. Rosen is also a member of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED), the Society of Hospital Medicine, and the American College of Physicians.
Dr. Rosen is passionate about working with recreational and professional athletes with eating disorders or disordered eating and exploring all aspects of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S, formerly known as Female Athlete Triad). In conjunction with working with athletes, Dr. Rosen enjoys treating bone density health issues such as osteoporosis and osteopenia, in addition to working with individuals with regard to their reproductive health. Dr. Rosen recognizes having a doctor with eating disorders expertise is far too uncommon and is excited to be an advocate for patients who are often misunderstood or not heard in the outpatient medical world.
In her spare time, Dr. Rosen loves being outdoors, traveling, and spending time with her husband and dog, Archie.

Friday Dec 07, 2018
Dr. Janean Anderson shares “Why thoughts matter” on PHIT for a Queen.
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Dr. Janean Anderson shares “Why thoughts matter” on PHIT for a Queen.
- Believes her journey to eating disorder recovery allows her to empathize and be patient with her clients.
- Wrote her book to help others sort out what is the eating disorder and what is you.
- Talks about common thought patterns that are detrimental to mental health: black or white, catastrophizing.
- Explains the different types of therapy & when one may work better than others “Do what works!”
- Unhelpful thoughts create unhelpful behavior that creates behaviors.
- “Thoughts matter”
- Podcast is a mixed of solo interviews on core concepts for recovery and interviews with other experts.
- Stay tuned for her book on Meditations that use concepts from her Recover Your Perspective book.
Where you can find Dr. Janean Anderson:
The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast
Dr. Janean Anderson is a licensed psychologist and host of The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast. Her debut book, Recover Your Perspective: A Guide to Understanding Your Eating Disorder and Creating Recovery Using CBT, DBT, and ACT, became a bestseller. She earned her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Colorado State University and completed her predoctoral internship at the University of California, Davis.
Dr. Anderson is a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (CEDS) through the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP) and is an iaedp Approved Supervisor (CEDS-S). Dr. Anderson has specialized in the treatment of eating disorders since 2008.
Dr. Anderson is the Founder and Director of Colorado Therapy & Assessment Center, an outpatient treatment center specializing in eating disorders in Denver, Colorado where she resides with her loved ones including her golden retriever. Recovered from an eating disorder herself, she wholeheartedly believes recovery is possible!

Friday Nov 30, 2018
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Dr. Anita Johnston shares “How stories allow us to have our aha moments to create new neuro pathways” on PHIT for a Queen.
- We have evolved from an over emphasis of goal oriented culture vs emotional oriented
- Our lives out of balance gets played out in food, & our bodies.
- We are taught to disregard our instincts and intuitions.
- Emotions are energy in motion.
- IT is the suppression and inappropriate expression of emotions that cause damage.
- Food gives us the illusion of control.
- Writing came as a way to bridge storytelling with a way to explain the complexities of eating disorders.
- Shares how you can learn to imagine how to sort understand your bodies’ needs (Tank A) versus your emotional needs (Tank B).
Where you can find Dr. Johnston and learn more about her words of wisdom:
Anita Johnston, Ph.D., is a psychologist, storyteller, and author of Eating in the Light of the Moon: How Women Can Transform Their Relationships with Food Through Myth, Metaphor, and Storytelling, which has been published in six languages.
She has been working in the field of eating difficulties and body image distress for over 35 years and is currently the Clinical Director of ‘Ai Pono* Hawaii which has a residential treatment program in Maui and outpatient eating disorder programs in Honolulu and the Big Island of Hawaii.
She is the co-creator of the Light of the Moon Café, an interactive e-course, women’s circle, and online “workbook” for Eating in the Light of the Moon.
Dr. Johnston provides virtual individual consultations and conducts workshops around the world. She is best known for integrating metaphor and storytelling into her training as a clinical psychologist to explain the complex issues that underlie struggles with eating, exercise, and body image.
You can find her at:
or contact her at:
Pronunciation note:
‘Ai Pono sounds like iphone, but instead of phone you say pono (oh no with a “p” in front)
free gift link: http://lightofthemooncafe.com/PHIT
Here are some of the questions I would love to have you answer:
1) You use such poetic words to demonstrate the emotional connections between our bodies and food.. can you share more
and how this inspired "Eating in the Light of the Moon".
2) You now have Eating in the Light of the Moon cafe and your own treatment center can you share more about this?
3) How do you live out the PHIT philosophy in your life?

Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Who is protecting our athletes? Sexual abuse in sport with Nancy Hogshead-Makar
Nancy has been in the world of sexual abuse when it comes to club and Olympic sports for 8 years now. She discusses the issues around sexual abuse in sport, updates us on the new policies taking place since the gymnasts have come forward and what we can do to protect our athletes.
Nancy has been in the world of sexual abuse when it comes to the club and Olympic sports for 8 years now. She discusses the issues around sexual abuse in sport, updates us on the new policies taking place since the gymnasts have come forward and what we can do to protect our athletes.
* Nancy has been involved in sexual abuse issues when it comes to Club and Olympic athletes for 8 years now. She shares the reasons that it has taken this long for policies to be made to protect these athletes.
* The gymnasts that came forward changed the world of sport. Because of them, there is now a statue that gives the USOC, and US Center for Safe Sport a legal duty to take care of athletes. Nancy updates us on the changes that have occurred since the gymnasts have come forward.
* What are the red flags that athletes and parents can be aware of: when a coach is alone with them, that they give them a gift, texting them individually, friending them on social media that can make abuse possible.
So you know she’s legit:
1977, at the age of 14, the only American swimmer to be ranked number one in the world in an international event.
1984, won three gold medals and one silver medal at the Los Angeles Olympics. The most decorated swimmer at the Games.
In 2000, ranked by Sports Illustrated as Florida’s 13th greatest athlete of the 20th Century.
She completed her BA in Political Science and Women's Studies from Duke University and her law degree from Georgetown University.
She is one of the foremost exponents of gender equity in education, including sports participation, sexual harassment, employment, pregnancy, legal enforcement, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. She has testified before Congress numerous times, is a frequent guest on national news programs, serves as an expert witness in Title IX cases, and has written amicus briefs in precedent-setting litigation. She authored Equal Play, Title IX and Social Change (Temple University Press) and Pregnant and Parenting Student-Athletes; Resources and Model Policies (NCAA).
She is currently a civil rights lawyer, assault survivor, a tireless advocate for the promotion, protections, and support of girls and women in sport, and Founder of Champion Women.
Connecting with Nancy Hogshead-Makar

Friday Nov 16, 2018
Was I only Fast because I was Anorexic? Messages in Sport with Kara Bazzi
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Was I only Fast because I was Anorexic? Messages in Sport with Kara Bazzi
Kara shares about the messages in the sport world that are prominent that can be challenging for athletes who are at risk for eating disorders. She also shares her journey of recovery, transitioning out of collegiate running and developing a healthy relationship with sport.
- Kara shares her journey of being a Div I athlete and struggling with an eating disorder, her recovery and how this drew her to where she is now, Co-Founder and Clinical Director of Opal Food and Body Wisdom
- Thinner is better is a message that is still prominent in the athlete world. The power of silence that takes place with coaches and teammates can contribute to the continuance of this message.
- Perfectionism vs Excellence. That we can really desire to perform well and try hard but what are we going to do with the outcome. With perfectionism, there is more focus on the outcome than the process.
- Kara discusses exercise in eating disorder treatment and how Opal addresses working with the athlete in recovery.
So You Know She is Legit….
Kara is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist who has been focusing her work on the treatment of eating disorders since 2002. Kara has strong local ties; having graduated with honors from the University of Washington with a degree in psychology and her Master’s Degree in Marriage & Family Therapy from Seattle Pacific University. She and Julie Church, RD founded the Eating Disorder Program at the Seattle Pacific University’s Counseling Center, a multidisciplinary program that offered comprehensive care for the undergraduate student population. From 2004 to 2011, Kara was in private practice offering individual, family, couple, and group outpatient therapy. She is an approved supervisor through the State of Washington, a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, and a member of National Eating Disorders Association, International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals, and the Academy for Eating Disorders.
One of Kara’s passions and interests is working with athletes. As a former University of Washington cross country and track athlete, she continues to compete in sports, both as a passion and also to stay connected with the athletic mindset and lifestyle. She has developed the Exercise + Sport program at Opal to ensure that clients relationship to sport and exercise is an integral part of their treatment.
To Connect with Kara:
The Appetite Podcast

Friday Nov 09, 2018
Improving our Mental Toughness with Dr. Haley Perlus
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Improving our Mental Toughness with Dr. Haley Perlus
Dr. Perlus shares her views of mental toughness in sport and how we can build our own to help improve our sport performance or any goal that you might have for yourself!
* Mental Toughness is wanting it more than you fear it. The ability to press mute on the fears that you might have in sports and focus on the desire and the want and have that be greater than the fear is how Dr. Perlus defines it.
* How do we build mental toughness?? Work on those mental blocks, which is a negative story that you are telling yourself that is debilitating your performance. By changing this story and the way you look at something can be beneficial.
* Sometimes you just have to accept what is and when you do this you end up spending less energy on the mental block. So suck it up!
* Dr. Perlus shares some tips she uses that helps in her career and performance; music, goal setting, imagery, and visualization.
So you know she’s legit:
Haley holds a Ph.D. in Sport and Exercise Psychology, an M.S. in Sport Pedagogy (coaching behavior), numerous fitness and coaching certifications. The former elite Alpine ski racer is an expert inspiring, motivating and empowering athletes and teams of all types to achieve peak results.
An adjunct professor at the UCCS, a seminar leader at top sport and fitness conferences, a consultant to National Team and Division I scholarship athletes, an appointed Industry Leader by International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, and four-time author.
Connecting with Haley Perlus:

Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Lauren Anton shares “when people are so disconnected from their body this is when the disorder creeps up” on PHIT for a Queen.
- Her role as a trainer in a gym gave her first-hand insight into the culture that contributes to eating disorders.
- Interesting fact that breathe work when going to school for acting helped her be able to use this as a mind-body connection tool.
- Could be this disconnection a result of trauma?
- Dispel the weight stigma of “what is a larger body in running?”
- Feels that injuries can stem from negative thought processes about altering the body.
- Self-compassion is honoring where my body is Today!
- Can one separate their activities by intention for self and intention for disorder?
Where you can find Lauren at https://laurenantonrd.com/
How you know she is legit:
Lauren Anton, MS, RD, CEDRD-S, CPT is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Personal Trainer in private practice in Los Angeles, CA. She is a Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian and Approved Supervisor through the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals. Lauren specializes in eating disorders, sports nutrition, and helping those who struggle with their weight and seeks to assist clients in moving away from a punitive experience with food and movement to one of self-compassion and self-care. Her non-diet, weight-inclusive, Health at Every Size® approach allows clients to shed the rules and regulations that bind them to behaviors that no longer serve them. As an expert in eating disorders and nutrition therapy, Lauren has worked at most levels of eating disorder treatment (residential through IOP) and has spoken at numerous national and regional conferences and events on adolescents, eating disorders, and sports nutrition. She has also presented her own research at two conferences examining the effects of intuitive eating – based nutrition education on adolescent female cross country runners. She has been quoted in publications such as The Washington Post, BuzzFeed, and the Huffington Post. Lauren served as a co-chair on the Academy of Eating Disorders Weight Stigma and Social Justice Special Interest Group from 2015-2018 and on the iaedp-Los Angeles board from 2010-2014. Lauren is passionate about normalizing and enhancing the eating experience and encourages each of her clients to “taste their food with all their senses” in her Mindful Eating experientials.